Imagine no wasted food, by efficiently sharing the non-used raw materials after your meal preparation.
Hacking Food Waste in private Homes or in community living spaces for students, would save water, phosphor, CO2, money as well as pollution from transport trucks.
Eat Exchange is a mobile application, which allows local community to share food that would have been wasted. The application enables individuals to advertise the food that they wouldn’t be able to consume. Then the supply of spare food would be collected by the members of the community who would otherwise need to buy it. The application contributes to the reduction of waste generated by consumers, methane discharge, as well as to the decrease of CO2 emissions and water consumption.
Name of Participants:
Christopher Weeks,Daniel Schien, Pernilla Hagbert, Friedrich Chasin, Ole Schultz, Tipa Stefan,Theodorou Sophy-Emmanouela
List over tools / datasets / APIs used:
HMTL, CSS, jQuery, Photoshop, Illustrator, Google Drive.
Open source.
Code repository & materials:
Presentation: http://bit.ly/eatX