Tag Archives: 2011

Carbon Emissions in Minecraft

A mod for Minecraft that adds carbon emissions using AMEEconnect to get real scientific data from the IPCC. When you burn some wood in a furnace, the mod calls out to AMEEconnect to do a calculation, and adds the result to a tracker in-game. As the carbon ticks up, the environment gets more and more polluted as the skies go dark and the clouds come down.

Hackers: James Smith

More information here. See the video here.

Winner Stockholm Greenhackathon 2011

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Remember Carbon

The hack is a browser extension that analyzes a travel agency website (flygstolen.se) and inserts CO2 emission data on the page about each flight. It also links to a page that compares these emissions to CO2 produced by other actions (like buying beer).

Choosing holiday flight destinations are some of the most influential choices people make. A flight from Sweden to Asia can add over 30 % to his yearly CO2-emissions. That’s why relevant information should be shown when people are making that choice.

Source on GitHub: Extension: https://github.com/pe3/green_hackathon Comparison page: https://github.com/mikkohei13/Carbonflight

Example link: http://www.luomus.fi/projects/carbonflight/show/?co2=1200

Hackers: Petri Kola, Mikko Heikkinen

Winner of the Stockholm Greenhackathon 2011


Green Travel

GreenTravel is a iphone application which helps the user commute with public transport and at the same time show how much CO2 different choices of trips will emit. The application will always rank the proposition of taking a car highest for use as a reference point. The ambition is to release it on App store

APIs used: Google Map, Reserobot

Hackers: Slagskryssaren team

Stockholm Greenhackathon 2011


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How do I look in this sweater?

Currently, most applications that supplies users with different sustainability data require the person to actively make the choice to find out more of the environmental impact. This project focuses on the shopping situation, and in particular shopping for clothes, making this information available in a non-invasive way when just going through your usual routine when shopping for clothes.

The project used Kinect hardware to detect and track hand and torso movements, when twirling in front of the mirror or holding up a jacket out in the store, and shows the related data to this garment. By the movement done naturally in this situation these motions will trigger, display and flick through different information related to the garment, for example wherefrom the material have been sourced, how it was produced or which path around the earth it has taken to land in this store. We believe that such an installation may arise and help create awareness in an non-intrusive way.

APIs used: Sourcemap.com

Hackers: Can Kilicbay, Carolina Johansson, Dogan Yazar

Stockholm Green Hackathon

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Readmill CO2

A timeline for Readmill.com, basically visualizing your year of reading in a single long scrolling page. Your highlights and closing remarks pass by as you scroll through your reading history and in the end you get a summary. The summary shows the total time read and also some other metrics including how much energy you saved by reading ebooks instead of paper books.
Hackers: David Kjelkerud and Christoffer Klang
Stockholm Greenhackathon 2011
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During the hack the Agro-Know team developed a module for OMEKA platform that allows the ingestion of environmental learning resources to the OMEKA repository and use of these resources in the generation of online educational pathways. To this end the team used the Solr-based search API of the Organic.Edunet SCAM system provided by MetaSolutions that allow search of resources in Organic.Edunet learning federation.

The demonstrated use case was a) to search for environmental learning resources in Organic.Edunet federation suitable for the development of educational pathways on the topic of sustainability & resource conservation, b) to annotate the ingested learning resources using the Natural Europe metadata Application Profile (AP) andc) to add these resources as supporting material in an environmental educational pathway.

Hackers: Giannis Stoitsis and Stavros Gkinis

The demo installation and the outcome of this session can be found here http://education.natural-europe.eu/green/admin/users/login (user: greendemo, pwd: greendemo).

Stockholm Greenhackathon 2011


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Carbon footprint for recipes

A prototype of a web application that shows how it is possible to use Linked Open Data to show information about CO2 emissions. Our application allows to build a 4 ingredients recipe and returns three different kinds of data:

  • A table that shows the emission of CO2 for each selected ingredient (from AMEE)
  • Total Kilos of CO2 emission
  • Literature from AGRIS: considering the selected ingredients, our application links to the OpenAgris triplestore to display journals articles and grey literature about the sustainability of those ingredients. Then, thanks to the power of OpenAgris, the user can access to other data sources, like DBPedia.

Hackers: Fabrizio Celli, Ahsan Morshed, Fredrik Enoksson, Mazars-Simon Quentin, Manoj Kale, Sriram Prasath

More info here

Stockholm Greenhackathon 2011

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Should I buy this?

A “shopping decision tool” that reminds you to consume less when in doubt.

Hackers: Jorge Zapico

The project is available at http://ShouldIBuyThis.org (Source code: HTML+CSS)

Stockholm Greenhackathon 2011


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Social impact of supply chains


A modification of Souremap system where the supply chain information was mashed up with public data from the UN to visualize the likelihood of child labor in each country involved in the manufacturing of a product.

Hackers: Leonardo Bonanni, Bianca Sayan.

More info at: http://blog.sourcemap.com/2011/10/visualizing-the-social-impact-of-supply-chains/

Stockholm Greenhackathon 2011

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SourceQuest is a game that takes a Sourcemap and creates a narrative where different parts of the product have to be gathered. The graphics and interaction are inspired by vintage Carmen Sandiego games. The goals is to use the game to give attention on how complex the supply chains are.

Hackers: Niklas Lindström, Andrey Zhukov, Jorge Zapico, Bianca Sayan.

The project is released open source at github.

Available at Sourcequest.net

Stockholm Greenhackathon 2011

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